Monday, September 1, 2014

Corporations struggling with Big Data — Oracle

MANILA, Philippines — A number of companies are still at a loss on how to make use of Big Data said database tech giant Oracle Corporation.

According to a recent survey data by Oracle, “six out of ten companies struggle with existing data because of how hard they are to gather and organize, eventually leading to islands of stale data, stale data, and drowning of spreadsheets.”

Shridar Jayakumar, program director for Oracle Asia Pacific business analytics, said that organizations are indeed struggling to take full advantage of the huge amount of data they are generating.

“These challenges indicate the need for companies to ensure data quality and establish a solid data flow that indentifies and connects data points across the organization,” said Jayakumar. “Building on its strength, Oracle can provide solutions that could help businesses overcome these challenges.”

With the inherent challenges corporations face in utilizing Big Data, Jayakumar said that demand for business analytics is now on the rise, more so in the face of growing disruptive trends such as cloud computing, mobile, social, the Internet of Things, and Big Data.

If leveraged correctly using appropriate solutions, Jayakumar said that such trends could work to the advantage of many corporations.

California-based Oracle is one of the leading vendors in the global industry of business analytics, estimated to have generated $37.7 billion in industry sales last year according to IDC. Growing by nearly a tenth every year, the industry is forecast by IDC to hit $59.2 billion in 2018.
