Thursday, November 14, 2013

DOH orders price freeze on 200 essential medicines for Yolanda victims

MANILA, Philippines - Health Secretary Enrique Ona has ordered a price freeze on about 200 essential medicines nationwide to ensure the availability of supplies for the victims of super typhoon Yolanda (international code name: Haiyan).

The price freeze takes effect immediately and covers all public and private drug outlets, including hospital pharmacies.

Ona has encouraged consumers to lodge their complaints against any violation, as he warned drug manufacturers, traders and retailers to strictly implement the order.

He said a price freeze “means that suppliers, pharmacies and hospitals should not unduly hike the prices of essential drugs from their prevailing prices before the occurrence of the calamity.”

“Securing the health and safety of the typhoon victims is an immediate priority of the DOH (Department of Health).  We have to make sure that they have access to the medicines that they need and that public hospitals and government agencies are able to source affordable drugs to reach as many of our countrymen severely affected by this crisis,” he said.

The essential drugs are for physical and mental trauma and injury, diarrhea, pneumonia, skin diseases and other infections such as leptospirosis and other endemic diseases in affected areas.

Other essential drugs covered by the price freeze include those that address common chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma that are “likely to be aggravated by the anxiety and stress as well as the difficult conditions faced on a daily basis by the victims”

The DOH fears an increase in many diseases due to the lack of clean water and food; breakdown in water and sanitation facilities; the severe state of primary health facilities and the continued harsh conditions in the Yolanda-affected areas.

The Price Act (Republic Act 7581) mandates the DOH to “automatically freeze the prices of essential drugs classified as basic commodities or impose maximum price ceilings particularly in times of calamities to protect consumers from profiteering, hoarding, cartels and other such violations by traders who may take advantage of the calamity situation.”

Ona has tasked all DOH regional directors to monitor the prices of essential drugs and make sure there is no overpricing especially in calamity-stricken areas.
