Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Philippine Montessori Center celebrates 45th anniversary with concerts for a cause

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Montessori Center celebrates its 45th anniversary with benefit concerts entitled “Pinoys to the World: a celebration of Filipino Musical Artistry.” The beneficiary is the Mithing Pangarap Educational Foundation, the adopted outreach program of Philippine Montessori Center. It supports the educational development of underprivileged youth in Smokey Mountain in Tondo, Manila.

Mithing Pangarap programs provide free education to Smokey Mountain youth which allows them to meet the Minimum Learning Competencies (MLCS) of students required by the Department of Education. It also provides scholarships to promising students who pass high school and college requirements. Due to inadequate funds, programs only benefit limited students. With 99 percent of funding coming from Philippine Montessori, proceeds of the benefit concert will go a long way in sustaining MPEFI’s programs.

The benefit concerts will feature the Philippine Montessori Center and Temple Hill International School Instrumental Ensemble. Children ages four to 10 years old of the PMC and THIS Instrumental Ensemble will showcase their talents using local string and wooden instruments with the special participation of the world-acclaimed Philippine Madrigal Singers.

Concert dates are on Feb. 24, 4:30 p.m. at the Ayala Museum; April 28, Meralco Theater, Pasig; and May 28, 2013 at the Merkin Concert Hall in Kaufman Center, 129 West 67th Street, New York, New York.

Help these children raise funds for other children. For tickets and more information, please call 9114838 or 9114889.

source: philstar.com