Saturday, October 13, 2012

Biodegradable computer chips made from silk coming soon

Good news for green-minded geeks: biodegradable computer chips made out of very strong yet flexible spider silk may be coming soon.
Researchers behind this new project are counting on the silk's properties that make it ideal for use in electronic devices, reported.
“When we first tested spider silk, we didn’t know what to expect. We thought, ‘Why not try this as an optical fiber to propagate light?’” said physicist Nolwenn Huby of the Institut de Physique de Rennes in France.
She was referring to the property of spider silk that allows light to travel through a silk strand as easily as through a fiber optic cable.
Huby will present her results at this year’s Frontiers in Optics conference, Oct. 14 to 18 in Rochester, New York. said Huby and her team transmitted laser light down a short strand of the silk on an integrated circuit chip.
"The silk worked much like glass fiber optic cables, meaning it could carry information for electronic devices, though it had about four orders of magnitude more loss than the glass," it said.
But Huby said a coating and further development can improve the silk's capability to transmit data.
On the other hand, noted spiders may produce relatively fewer quantities of silk as they "need lots of space, are often cannibalistic of their neighbors" compared to silkworms.
Less e-waste said e-waste could be a thing of the past once this silk tech is developed.
"Whenever a new snazzy cellphone comes out, you could simply compost your old model instead of leaving it to languish in a dump, slowly leaching toxic chemicals. But such electronics are still decades away," said Biomedical engineer Fiorenzo Omenetto of Tufts University in Somerville, Massachusetts.
But for now, he said engineers would still need to figure out how to make biodegradable batteries, interfaces, and everything else in modern-day electronics.
Medical applications
Once developed, this could also open the door to medical applications, such as silk fibers carrying light to places in the body for internal imaging.
"Because spider silk is incredibly thin — roughly five microns in diameter or 10 times thinner than a human hair – surgeons could perform diagnostic exams using very small openings in the body," said.
Omenetto also noted these materials are harmless, "so you can implant them.”
Omenetto has been working in this field for years and will give a talk on opportunities for silk in high-tech products at Frontiers in Optics.
“The body has no reaction to them,” said Omenetto, who foresees silk bandages in a patient embedded with electronic functions to monitor for possible infections.
The patient need not worry about having the monitoring device taken out again because the body will simply absorb the biodegradabe material.
His team has developed a small implantable radio frequency heater that could sterilize an area against bacteria, said.
Silkworm silk
Omenetto used silkworm silk, the kind used in fancy clothing and underwear that can be manufactured on an industrial scale. also noted silkworms can be grown close together and produce silk fibers.
Omenetto takes the silk from textiles and boils it in water to extract the silky proteins.
From this, his team produced a plastic that is 100 percent natural and fully biodegradable.
blue laser beam also said Omenetto’s team has created a device that can shoot a blue laser beam by doping materials with silk.
The gadget’s components are fully compostable and also use less power than equivalent acrylic laser shooters, it said. — TJD, GMA News