Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fil-Am group campaigns for votes to save Jessica Sanchez

MANILA, Philippines – Spread the word: "Vote for Jessica!"

The Washington-based Migrant Heritage Commission (MHC) on Saturday asked Filipinos all over the world to vote for Jessica Sanchez on-line after the Filipino-American born finalist in the ongoing American Idol was almost eliminated from the popular American television show. She was “saved” only because the three judges exercised their one-time vote privilege to retain her in the hotly-contested program last Wednesday.

MHC is a non-profit, service-oriented organization run by Filipino immigrants in the United States based in Washington, D.C.

Miss Grace Valera, MHC executive director, in an urgent e-mail, appealed to all Filipinos here and abroad to cast their votes for Jessica Sanchez for her to win the coveted American Idol 2012.

Valera’s e-mail said:

“Dear Kababayan, family, friends, friends of friends. . . Our dear JESSICA SANCHEZ almost got eliminated from AMERICAN IDOL tonight (THURS.,12 APRIL 2012) had the Judges not saved her… Kababayans, pls vote for her every Wednesday night...right after the show...all of your cellphones (500x), landline (500 x), ONLINE facebook (50x).

“Please help us campaign to everyone ‘to vote for her.’ It’s only a once-a-week sacrifice for a truly deserving, multi-talented kababayan. We cannot be overconfident on just a few votes. It’s NOT the judges deciding on their own. It’s America! Unfortunately, Judges can only save a contestant ‘once’ so this now depends on all of us NOW on how to save her in the coming weeks... VOTE FOR JESSICA SANCHEZ!!! MARAMING SALAMAT PO.”

In the episode last April 11, Sanchez got the fewest home viewers’ votes from among the seven finalists.

However, Sanchez was allowed to remain in the show when the judges decided to use their one-time “The Judges’ Save” privilege.

"Give me that [microphone]! This is crazy! Yes, we're using 'the save!' You're not going home. Go sit down, go sit down," Idol judge Jennifer Lopez told Sanchez after she ran onstage.

"We are saving Jessica without any doubt," another judge, Randy Jackson, said.

"Let me just say this for myself. This girl (Jessica) is one of the best singers in America -- ever. Are you kidding me?! Please everybody, please vote for the best. It's about finding the best. I mean, come on," the third judge, Steven Tyler, said.

The 16-year-old Sanchez was stunned by the decision of the three judges.

Sanchez blurted out: “I don't expect anything. I just do what I do and whatever happens, happens. I just want people to know I've been working hard my whole life."

With Sanchez remaining in contention, hopes are high she could bag the American Idol and become the first ever Filipino-American to win the prestigious award, although some quarters believe the judges’ “strong show of bias” may turn off the audience and even doom Jessica in further voting.

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