Monday, April 9, 2012

Cruise Ship Retraces Titanic Voyage

LONDON (AP) – A cruise carrying relatives of some of the more than 1,500 people who died aboard the Titanic nearly 100 years ago set sail from England on Sunday to retrace the ship's voyage, including a visit to the location where it sank.

The Titanic Memorial Cruise, carrying the same number of passengers – not including crew, as the Titanic did, cast off from Southampton, where the doomed vessel left on its maiden voyage. The 12-night cruise will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the White Star liner. Waving passengers crowded the decks as the ship prepared to set sail, many dressed in period costumes as first-class passengers, crew members, steerage passenger and stewards.

Graham Free was dressed as an Edwardian gentleman and described his excitement for the cruise as he waited to board. “I have been a fan of the Titanic since I was nine years old and this cruise is the closest you are going to get to it,” said the 37 year old. “The trip has cost a considerable amount, but I wanted to do it.”

Fellow cruiser Carmel Bradburn, 55, who lives in Australia, described herself as “fanatical” about the Titanic and struck back at accusations that retracing the doomed voyage is in poor taste.
