Sunday, January 5, 2014

Oral care: Window to overall wellness

MANILA, Philippines - Dr. Steve Mark Gan, one of the Philippines’ most respected dentists, opted to establish a dental practice here instead of in the USA where he had pursued advanced studies in Prosthodontic and Implant Education. One of the compelling reasons why he did so was to promote much-needed dental care and share his knowledge and skills with his fellow Filipinos.

“Dental health is still not a priority in our country. It was number 35 in terms of priority, based on studies conducted several years ago, compared to the USA, for instance, where it is always in the top 10,” says Dr. Gan.

Compounding the challenge was the state of dental healthcare when he first came back. “The standards of hygiene, like correct sterilization, were not being followed by some dental practitioners,” explains Dr. Gan, who founded the state-of-the art clinic Gan Advanced Osseointegration Center (GAOC).

This prompted him to ally with the government and his fellow practitioners in the mission to improve the state of dental healthcare in the country. Dr. Gan was the former chairman of the Board of Dentistry and former president of the Philippine Academy of Implant Dentistry (P.A.I.D.) under the Philippine Dental Association.

It has also led him to pursue his “SerbisyongBayan” advocacy, where he has embarked on projects to reach out to the grassroots level by organizing monthly dental missions and educate  people on the value of dental care. “Proper oral hygiene plays a significant role in life. Statistics show that 98% of the nation’s youth has dental caries, dental decay, or missing teeth. What people might not be aware of is that oral health can serve as a window to one’s overall wellness.”

Dr. Gan, also known as the “Dentist to the Stars” due to his high-profile, celebrity clientele, also debunks some myths surrounding dental care.

“People generally think that the harder you brush, the better — when in fact, harder tooth brushing only leads to abrasions and gum recession. It is also not true that going to the dentist means setting yourself up for pain.”

On the topic of proper oral care, he touches on the subject of mouthwashes with a “sting.” “More often than not, mouthwashes with a stinging effect due to high alcohol content are detrimental to the health of the gums and to the health of the oral mucosa in the long run,” he points out. “Also, dark mouthwashes should be used sparingly as these mouthwashes have been known to stain the teeth.”

It is important, therefore, to be discerning when choosing a mouthwash. OraCare, for instance, has a no-alcohol formulation with Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide, a breakthrough active ingredient and antibacterial agent that gently cleans without the stinging sensation. It neutralizes odor-causing volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth, working continuously to eliminate bad bacteria that cause plaque buildup, gum disease, and tooth decay.

To know more about OraCare’s gentle yet effective anti-bacteria action, check out
