Thursday, December 5, 2013

Apple developing technology allowing your face to unlock your phone

MANILA, Philippines — From fingerprint lock, Apple has now filed a patent allowing users to access their phones through facial recognition.

The company bared the technology through its application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) titled “Personal computing device control using face detection and recognition.”

The patent request was filed way back in January 2008 but was made public by the USPTO this month.

“(T)here are numerous advantageous applications of this technology that enable more efficient control and interaction between a user and a personal computing system,” the application said.

The technology aims to do away with the current system of using passwords to access a device or a restricted computer application.

“(T)here is a need for a more efficient and reliable user access control mechanism for personal computing devices,” the company said.

Apple said that another problem with current computing devices is the inability to detect an active user. This happens when a PC automatically activates a screen saver even if a user is viewing the display screen.

Incoming calls, text, and email will also be displayed if the device recognizes the intended receiver as the one currently using the device.

Patent applications does not, however, provide guarantee that a supposed research product will be released commercially. In some instances, companies file patents to box out other competitors from developing their envisioned technology.
