Friday, November 15, 2013

Facebook puts ‘donate button’ on news feed for relief in typhoon-hit areas

MANILA, Philippines — A ‘Donate P200.00′ button can now be seen on top of Facebook users’ news feed to help those affected by the supertyphoon that ravaged many parts of central Philippines.

The button will allow subscribers to donate money directly to the Red Cross Red Crescent network to help survivors of supertyphoon Yolanda (Haiyan) that hit the Visayas region almost a week ago.

The amount of P200.00 or roughly $4.50 will be automatically debited from the users credit card or PayPal account. However, for people who want to donate more, will have to go directly to the Red Cross Red Crescent website.

The donate link started appearing on Facebook’s news feed on Thursday, November 14.
