Friday, August 2, 2013

Blast, suction, melt, and liquify: New non-invasive treatments to lose your belly fat now

With bikini season over a lot of women, and yes, men too, have gotten complacent about going to the gym. Heavy rains usually bring the desire binge on comfort food. Unfortunately, this almost always leads to rolls of shame around the tummy area to develop, and which is often difficult to shed off with exercise and diet alone.

Getting a fab and fit body often comes with a price, whether it’s membership fees at the local gym or surgery, which health cards don’t cover. Time, on the other hand, may be an issue for others. So unless you’re willing to spend hours at the gym building that sleek, sexy body then the current wave of non-invasive slimming treatments is the answer you’re looking for.

The latest option for busy individuals is Allura Body Contour and Slimming Center’s Ultrashape V3 and Thermolipolysis, a surgery-free body contouring treatment that promises to reduce fat deposits minus the down time.

“Utrashape V3 is a synergy of three machines. It has ultrasound designed to blast the fat cells and RF (radio frequency) that emits heat and acts as a suction to gather fat in one area,” says Mari Lumahan, Operations Manager of Allura Body Contour and Slimming Center.

Ultrashape V3 is the more advanced version of lipocavitation, which usually takes 1 to 3 months for results to be visible. With Ultrashape V3, you can get the same effect in less time, as Lumahan explains, “one session of Ultrashape V3 is equivalent to 10 to 15 treatments of lipocavitation.

“This is designed for clients who can’t wait to lose the fats fast because you will see results in as little as five days.”

The procedure takes a maximum of two hours and is best suited for people in fairly decent shape but with certain unsightly bulges.

Along with Ultrashape V3, Lumahan recommends Thermolipolysis for maintainance. Thermolipolysis is a fully integrated metabolic weight loss solution that makes cold wraps obsolete. The process uses high performance thermic bands that are wrapped around the body, which then causes a rise in one’s body temperature. The process breaks down cellulite and fatty tissues, which are then liquefied and eliminated by the body later on.

it burns up to 1,500 calories per treatment, reduces unsightly cellulite, increases metabolic rate, reduces water retention, and increases energy and vitality.

* For more information about Ultrashape V3 and Thermolipolysis, call (+632) 352-7876, (+632) 352-7679, (+632) 384-5502 and (+63) 9178-ALLURA.
