Thursday, August 8, 2013

6 exercises to help ease your lower back pain

Everyone experiences lower back pains because of staying in one position for a long time, including sitting on one’s desk during office hours or staying on your feet for the whole day.

Physical therapists from Manila Doctors Hospital’s Department of Rehabilitation Medicine recommend these simple exercises for your lower back to soothe your tensed muscles.

1. Anterior-Posterior Pelvic Tilting
This exercise is meant to re-educate on pelvic awareness and strengthen the gluteus maximus.

Supine lying with both knees bent and one hand placed beneath the back.

• Flatten the back against the bed by pressing on the hand.
• Hold the contraction for 6 seconds.

2. Knee hug/Knee to Chest
This is a flexibility exercise to stretch the tightened  muscles behind the leg and the back.

Supine lying with arms at the side.

• Bring one knee to chest with hands clasped behind the  thighs; hold the position for 15 seconds.
• Progress the exercise bring both knees to chest with hands clasped behind both thighs.
Hold position for 15 seconds.

3. Sit-ups
This exercise strengthens the abdominals.

Supine lying with both knees bent, arms at sides.

• Attempt to reach for both knees by lifting both shoulders partially from bed.
• Hold the position for 6 seconds if tolerated.

4. Toe-touch/Toe reach
This stretches the muscles behind the leg and lower back.

Sit at the edge of a bed, sofa, or bench with one leg dangling.

• Slide both arms on legs in an attempt to reach for toes.
• Hold position for 15 seconds.

5. Forward Lunge Position
This is a flexibility exercise to stretch the hamstrings of the straight leg and to strengthen the thigh muscles of the bent leg.

Place one leg forward, one leg behind with feet directed forward.

• Bend the forward leg without letting the knee extend beyond the tooes. The back leg should be kept straight.
• You are doing it right if you feel a stretch at the hamstrings muscles of the back leg.
Hold the position for 15 seconds.<

6. Wall sides
This flexibility exercise re-educates on pelvic awareness in standing and prevent tightness of back structures.

Stand with the back against the wall with feet about 12 inches apart.

Flatten back against the wall. Hold this position and slide back against the wall while slowly bending both knees should not extend beyond the toes.
Hold the position for 6 seconds.
Perform each exercise twice a day with 10 repetitions per exercise. Count aloud when doing the exercise to prevent breath holding, and stop the exercise the moment pain increases in intensity.

The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (DRM), together with its dynamic team of physiatrists, physical, occupational, and speech therapists, is an advocate of a holistic approach in the diagnosis and treatment of impairment to improve the quality of life of the physically-challenged individuals.

• DRM is open Mondays to Fridays at 7:00am-7:00pm and Saturdays at 8 am-5 pm and is located at the ground floor of Manila Doctors Hospital, 667 United Nations Ave., Ermita, Manila. You may reach them at these numbers (+632) 524-3011 local 3290 or 8145. For more information, visit
