Friday, June 7, 2013

Amanda Griffin Jacob on vegetarianism and Bill Clinton

MANILA, Philippines - Amanda Griffin Jacob, proud mother of two boys Kieran (3 years old) and Kalon (7 months old), splits her time between Manila and Hong Kong, is currently busy shooting season 2 of her TV show “Amanda, Living Life” with a premiere on June 19th in the Lifestyle Network, and maintains the popular website for mothers

With such a busy schedule, you’d think she gets her energy from eating from every food variety. The truth is, since 2007, Amanda has made the lifestyle choice of becoming a vegetarian.

Amanda says that she is the veggie pioneer in their family and she shares that as soon as she started, she started feeling much better physically.

“When I was eating meat I had a lot of digestive issues,” Amanda says. “Mentally, I felt wonderful. I had wanted to become a vegetarian since I was in high school but never thought I would be able to live without meat.”

She, along with 15 other Filipinos, has been nominated in PETA’s (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) search for the Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity. Amanda joins a list that includes Bill Clinton, Michelle Yeoh, Joaquin Phoenix, Anne Hathaway, Zhang Ziyi, and Mike Tyson. Other Filipinos in the list are Cynthia Alexander, Raymond Bagatsing, Lougee Basabas, Geneva Cruz, Chin-Chin Gutierrez, Yasmien Kurdi, Maricel Laxa-Pangilinan, Raya Mananquil, Alicia Mayer, Rocco Nacino, Juliana Palermo, Isabel Roces, Nityalila Saulo, Sandra Seifert, and Julia Sniegowski.

“It is really,really cool to be in a group like that,” Amanda says. “The most impressive vegan for me is Bill Clinton. I always think if he could go veggie then anyone can.”
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But Amanda is quick to add that being a vegetarian doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll immediately be sexy.

“You can be vegetarian and be unhealthy,” she says. “Vegetarianism should be a lifestyle choice rather than a quick fix diet.”

Her message for those who want to do just that?

“Do it. It’s not as hard as you think. Your mind, body and planet will thank you for it.”

 You can vote for the Filipino nominees here:
