Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Heart Evangelista and Senator Escudero in tender, ‘chizzy’ moment

Now we know why Senator Chiz Escudero’s Twitter account is called @saychiz.

An Instagram photo posted by Heart Evangelista with the accompanying post, “I miss you busybee @saychiz” is giving their fans goose bumps with its rather cheesy pose showing the couple alone in a private resort with the actress reaching up to kiss the re-electionist senator on the cheek.

Both are barefoot in the photo, with the senator wearing only a white T-shirt and shorts and Heart wearing her sleepwear. The photo also looks like it was taken early in the morning while the sun was about to rise.

In any case, it shows how very much in love the two are and if the reactions of the fans are any indication, it does not look like anyone’s disapproving.

Heart and Senator Chiz recently spent a vacation together in San Francisco, California where the picture was probably taken. As earlier reported, they have already talked about tying the knot. If the Senator has his way, the wedding will probably take place “within five years”.

For now, it seems like the couple is just happy spending quality private moments, especially now the “busybee” senator is once again back on the campaign trail.
