Monday, December 10, 2012

Justin Bieber mocks Manny Pacquiao on Instagram, draws ire of boxer’s fans

Justin Bieber mocked Manny Pacquiao in a series of posts on Instagram on Sunday, triggering a tidal wave of verbal abuse from fans of the Filipino boxing superstar.

The Canadian singer — an associate of brash American boxing champion Floyd Mayweather – posted three pictures on his Instagram account that made fun of Pacquiao’s knockout defeat to Juan Manuel Marquez in their fourth fight held in Las Vegas on Saturday.

The first photo shows the knockdown Mayweather scored against Marquez during their 2009 fight in which Mayweather scored a dominant decision victory.

The photo bore the hashtag “No Competition”, implying that Mayweather is clearly superior to Pacquiao based on their respective performances against Marquez.

The second photo has Pacquiao’s prone knocked-out figure grafted diagonally into a photo of Michael Jackson and two backup dancers performing a grafity-defying dance move. It was captioned “ ”pacquiao doing the lean with MJ… Classic moment”.

The third photo shows  the Disney character Simba as a baby lion looking over Pacquiao as the fighter lies unconscious on the canvas. The caption reads: “Dad wake up”.

The posts unleashed a torrent of protests from Pacquiao fans, who called him racist, among other expletives.

The posts can be viewed as retribution for the abuse Pacquiao followers heaped on the singer in May after he joined Mayweather’s entourage in the latter’s fight against Miguel Cotto.
