Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gap between real holidays and expectations

There's a gap between what the holidays should be and what they can be and the real holidays we live, a U.S. pediatrician says.

Pediatrician Dr. George Askew said there is a big difference between the holidays people experience and the expectations we carry in our minds.

"If we can't do in our real holidays what we've come to believe we should do, what then? If you have 10 holiday must-dos, and you can't do all 10, shorten the list," Askew said in a statement.

"When you give yourself some room to not get all the things done, you know what? You'll be much happier if you let that kind of thing go. You're going to feel so much better about what you've accomplished in that day."

Askew also advised against just letting everything go, such as eating healthy, being physically active, and getting enough rest -- because they help you get through the holidays, too.
