Saturday, October 6, 2012

NFL bounty case means Jerry Gray should tread lightly

In these bounty-sensitive times, Titans defensive coordinator Jerry Gray has delivered a message that may prove costly.

Gray told SN correspondent Jim Wyatt of The Tennessean that he wants his unit to play less timid, without worrying about fines. But Gray also made reference to the Gator cart, a vehicle used to take injured players off the field.

“If you are worrying about that, you are not going to go out and try to blow the guy up,” Gray told The Tennessean. “Great football players have to put that out of their mind. You have to say, ‘This is my territory between the numbers, and if you throw the football, you better bring the Gator truck.’ And that’s how you have to play. You can’t play timid in the NFL.

“Have we blown anybody up? … Maybe we’re playing too timid.”

With the league preaching increased emphasis on player safety, it would be wise for coaches to refrain from references to the Gator. Gray’s defense is already giving up too many points. Surrendering money for fines will not make the situation any better.

According to, the NFL is already reviewing Gray's comments, and Gray himself has apologized.

"This is football, but my choice of words under the circumstances was probably bad,'' Gray told the network. "If I could take that part of it back, I would. I don't want guys thinking about injuring people, and when you say 'Gator truck' that's probably what comes up. I just want our guys to be tougher.''
