Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What to do if you have to evacuate - or leave behind - your pets

The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), swamped with calls for help to rescue pets and farm animals left behind by their owners amidst evacuation efforts, has issued some reminders amidst the floods besieging Luzon.

As much as possible, evacuate with your pets. But if this is not possible, make sure they are not restrained or tied down in any way.

Keep your pets untethered, unchained, uncaged if floodwaters start rising. This way, they can swim to safety if you're busy saving your family or things, or you have to be evacuated.

Palangganas or plastic basins can help you move your animals around and maneuver them in the flood as you evacuate.

Always keep a plastic kennel cab handy in case you need to “pack” your animals quickly and ride a boat.

Keep ready other emergency items for animals such as kibble in airtight containers and bottled water.

If you have to leave your animals, leave a note by the doorway or wherever it could be posted about the number of animals inside the house and your contact information so that rescuers can find you.

Leave food and water for your pets.

Keep a collar or tag on your pets that contains your contact information.

Start a buddy system with someone in your neighborhood, so that they will check on your animals during a disaster in case you aren't home.

source: interaksyon.com