Friday, August 3, 2012

Quality Television Programs For Children

MANILA, Philippines — The protection and promotion of children’s rights and privileges are embodied in Republic Act (RA) 8370, the Children’s Television Act of 1997, providing access for Filipino children to quality television programs that are creative, informative, educational, and entertaining.

TV is the next most powerful tool in shaping the minds of children, second only to the family. The child absorbs images subliminally and unconsciously. A study showed that preschoolers spend several hours a week watching television.

“We should not leave parenting to television. It is a fundamental obligation of adults and a social responsibility of networks to actively pursue child-friendly programming that can have a lasting imprint on the minds of our young. No country can claim to be fully-developed and educated without caring for its children,” Department of Education Secretary Armin A. Luistro said at the launching of the Implementing Rules and Regulations for RA 8370 on July 17, 2012.

The IRR stipulates that 15 percent of daily airtime on all local TV networks should be allotted for child-friendly television shows. Child-friendly shows are given incentives, such as being exempted from review by the MTRCB. Child-friendly TV programs are shown between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. news programs must censor sensitive or violent images. Parents, guardians, and caretakers are advised to monitor which television shows are fit for children.

We congratulate the Officials of the Philippine Government, headed by President Benigno S. Aquino III and Vice President Jejomar C. Binay; Department of Education, headed by Secretary Armin A. Luistro; Movie and Television Review and Classification Board, led by Chairperson Mary Grace P. Llamanzares; National Council for Children’s Television, led by Chairman Mag Cruz Hatol, other Officials and Personnel, for the efforts to safeguard the well-being and welfare of Filipino children. We wish them all the best and success in all endeavors. MABUHAY!
