Monday, August 6, 2012

La Mesa Dam mgt recommends forced evacuation

The management of La Mesa Dam is "strongly recommending" the forced evacuation of communities around and downstream of the dam as it continued to overflow, the Office of Civil Defense said late Monday night.

As of 1 a.m. Tuesday, the water level at the dam was at 80.31 meters and the dam was spilling water at 8 centimeters per hour.

The dam's water level had reached capacity level of 80.15 meters around 9 p.m., prompting authorities to raise the Alert Level to "Red," meaning communities around and downstream of the dam must evacuate.

Meanwhile, as of 11:30 p.m., the water level at Ipo Dam was at 100.95 meters and one gate remained open, discharging the equivalent of 87.4 cms per hour.
