Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dishwashing bars could pose health risks

It is ironic how an object used to clean and wash dirt in kitchen utensils can actually pose danger to our health.

A recent study of the Philippine Society of Microbiology (PSM) confirms that the use of bar solution in cleaning the dishes is a risky practice because it could bring negative effects to every household particularly on the aspect of health.

With the aid of a third party research agency, Proctor and Gamble commissioned a research and survey to reinforce this study and come up with such results. It was in late February 2012 when the survey was conducted. There were 150 respondents and 10 control households. Ms. Jan Ang, Joy Brand Manager, added that 6 out of 10 moms use dishwashing bar solution.

According to Dr. Jessica Simbahan, Immediate Former President of PSM, results show that dishwashing bar solution is highly contaminated with germs and is 10 times more unclean and unsanitary than a dirty sock. Also, it is considered as the dirtiest household item tested among other items like trash bin, toilet seat cover, and toilet bowl rim. During the survey, a luminometer or germ meter was used to gauge the level of contaminants in bar solutions and other household items.

However, Dr. Supachai Basit (incumbent National President for Philippine Society of Microbiology) stressed that besides bar solution, improper hygienic practice can also contribute to the increase of germs. “When a detergent solution is left exposed and is kept soaking, the level of contaminants increase,” Dr. Basit explained.

Below are some simple sanitation tips advised by Dr. Basit:

1. Clean and change your sponge regularly. Sponge is another culprit in the kitchen because microbes thrive their especially when it is moist or soaked in water.

2. Clean the cutting boards well. There should be a separate cutting board for raw food and cooked food.

3. Wash hands before and after meals and snacks.

4. Don’t share hand towels.

5. Use anti-bacterial dishwashing liquid. It is better to directly apply the dishwashing liquid on the sponge rather than dilute it in water.

Food poisoning, infection, diarrhea and typhoid are some of the risks that can be acquired and experienced without proper hygienic practice and mindfulness.

The research aims to support Joy Dishwashing Liquid’s ongoing awareness called “Nay, Gising!” an awareness campaign that aims “to serve as a wake-up call for Filipino moms and to educate them on proper kitchen hygiene.”

source: interaksyon.com