Thursday, June 21, 2012

Senators, VP Call For Conferment Of National Artist Recognition To Dolphy

MANILA, Philippines – It seems that the clamor for Comedy King Dolphy to be declared as National Artist has been revived, with Senators Manny Villar and Pia Cayetano, and Vice President Jejomar Binay expressing their opinions on the matter.

This comes in the midst of news about the Comedy King’s confinement at the Makati Medical Center and being in critical condition.

Villar, calling the veteran actor “one of the few gems of the entertainment industry,” said in a statement issued on June 21 that the recognition should be given to Dolphy because he is “an artist who has helped build a sense of Filipino nationalism through motion picture.”

He added, “But more than the trophies he collected, Dolphy is known as a compassionate man, donating substantial wealth and talent to assist health welfare programs and provide financial assistance to senior actors and those involved in filmmaking including extras, stuntmen, bit players, crews and technical staff.”

The senator believes that Dolphy’s “feat as a comedian will be very hard to replicate,” and that he is a National Artist “in my heart and in the hearts of many Filipinos.”

More, Villar stated that he will be “forever be indebted” to the comedian who campaigned for him during the 2010 presidential elections.

“We are one with the nation in praying for the speedy recovery of Dolphy,” he added.

Villar’s Nacionalista Party co-member Cayetano, meanwhile, told also on Thursday, “I think everyone knows that he deserves it. Siyempre meron din nagsasabi na he’s already the national artist in the Filipinos heart and everything but of course it’s always nice to have an official recognition.”

She then urged the public to continue praying for the ailing Comedy King, saying, “Mabigyan pa sana [siya] ng ilang masaganang taon.” reported on the same day that Binay, in a statement, “asked concerned groups to act on the nomination of Dolphy immediately.”

“[Dolphy] has given the people so much happiness in his sterling career as an actor, and has spoken to and for the Filipino. For this, he deserves our fervent prayers,” he said.

Meanwhile, earlier the same day, Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in another statement, “The President’s thoughts are with Mr. Quizon and his loved ones in these trying times.”

It also noted, “We enjoin the Filipino people to pray for the health of Mr. Rodolfo Quizon Sr., whom the entire nation fondly knows as ‘Dolphy.’ We are united in our intentions for our revered icon of the Philippine entertainment industry.”
