Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Internet Boredom

There comes a time when you’re online and you get into a snag as to what to do. Yeah, boredom sets in and this is the perfect time to tell yourself to take it easy. You can actually explore your creative side and have more fun on the net. Here are a few tips looking into.

• Search for , lost relations - There’s all sorts of applications out there now whether it’s Family Tree or Gene thingy dabbling in this may be fun. Who knows what could happen? A more dangerous variant is “search for long lost lovers”...haha! Or even “frien-imiesThe lenses have been under development for several years, and the only ones that exist are simply a prototype not yet approved for human use, however if the researches can cut through the red tape you might start hearing more about these lenses in a few years. No word yet on price. Way cool!

• Check Your Stat – Am I Hot or Not? – Time to spiff up that Facebook, WAYN or Multiply profile. It’s a simple concept - you upload a photo, people give you a score out of ten and you discover whether you’re hot or inI’m sure you’re very hot. Or you can just vote on other people instead.

• Start a Blog –Yeah, it’s all about you right? Who’s the most important person in the world? You are! Let everyone else know your thoughts by starting a blog. Try these - Blogger ; WordPress ; MySpace. These are just a few of the numerous blog spots you could post your musings, rants and raves on. It could actually prove to be quite lucrative. Some bloggers have become quite good at it even earning them not just cyber popularity but big bucks as well.

• Take a journey to the random - There’s a site called StumbleUpon that acts as a kind of randomizer. You press a button and it gives you a site that other people have recommended. It’s a wonderful way to bump into something you never knew you wanted.

• Download a new browser - Find out why Firefox is used by up to 40% of internet users - infinitely configurable with user-developed add-ons, fast, responsive and more secure. Another great offering is the best thing to come out of Norway since A-ha - Opera. Google’s own Chrome has many fans too.

• Learn better English – with all these online lessons going around, one has many choices but speaking and writing better English would prove to be most useful anywhere any time.

• Exploring Wikipedia – You’ll be amazed as to what wikipedia could show you. You could lose yourself for days and days in Wikipedia. Did you know for instance that Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo is a perfectly valid sentence in American English or that 0.999 recurring is actually equal to 1?

• Download useful software – what’s great is that there are a lot of FREE downloadable ones. Programs like Maya 3D (used to make films like Toy Story) have trial versions you can download for free. Maybe they could unleash your creative genius. Of course, you’ll need to spend a small fortune if you want to buy the full versions. Adobe’s Creative Suite is available on trial too.
