Thursday, May 24, 2012

Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons: Did He Just Come Out as Gay?

It's no secret in Hollywood that The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons is gay.

In fact, his partner of 10 years is often with him when he hits a red carpet or sitting beside him at awards shows and other glam events.

So what's up with all the headlines today claiming that Parson has finally come out of the closet as a gay man?

READ: Matt Bomer Comes Out as Gay Man

Well, all the hoopla has been stirred up because his sexuality and relationship was mentioned in a New York Times article today. It quietly pops up in reference to the Emmy winner's work last year on Broadway playing a young gay activist in The Normal Heart, a play about the early days of the AIDS epidemic.

"The Normal Heart resonated with him on a few levels: Mr. Parsons is gay and in a 10-year relationship, and working with an ensemble again onstage was like nourishment, he said,'" reads the Times story.

And that is it. Parsons is not quoted in any way talking about his private life.

The big news here is that the paper of record actually wrote that Parsons was gay. But Parsons was never actually hiding in the closet. He's never lied. He's never had a beard. He's just never spoken about his life outside work.

No big bang here.
