Monday, April 16, 2012

Want to take a tour of Titanic? Just hit up Google Earth

MANILA, Philippines — Do you want to get up close and personal with the infamous Titanic ship that sank exactly a hundred years ago? With new developments in technology, taking a tour of the famous ship’s wreck is now possible thanks to Google Earth.

Using imagery from the National Geographic — which is running a series of documentaries and expositions about the Titanic all month long — Google was able to re-create an updated 3D model showing the two-piece hull at the Atlantic Ocean sea floor.

Interested users can explore different parts of the ship and view various underwater photos captured by various expeditions by searching for “Titanic” in the Google Earth search box.

“The story of the Titanic has remained with us through the decades,” Google said in a blog post. “Now, despite its depth on the sea floor, you can explore this ill-fated ship from the comfort of your home using Google Earth.”

Users can also take a guided tour around the wreckage by downloading the Titanic KML tour in the Earth Gallery, showcasing more images and videos provided by the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration and the National Geographic.

It will be remembered that the Titanic — once touted to be the unsinkable ship during its time — met an unfortunate fate after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton, U.K. to New York City in the U.S.

The sinking, which occurred on April 15, 1912, claimed the lives of more than 1,500 passengers, which included some of the wealthiest and most influential people of the world at that time.

Its wreck was discovered in 1985 by a joint US-French expedition 12,400 feet underwater in the North Atlantic.

Believed to be one of the deadliest maritime tragedies of recent history, the Titanic’s story has inspired books and blockbuster movies, and has been immortalized in a number of museums around the world.
