Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday The 13th Haunted Launch?

MANILA, Philippines — Maybe it was because of a human error or technical lapse. Or maybe, it was shot down.

Speculations went around on what went wrong in Friday’s much-hyped rocket launch that even the superstitious had their take – perhaps, the North Koreans failed to consider the date.

It was Friday the 13th.

“It is just a superstitious belief,” said retired general Benito Ramos, executive director of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).

“But if it is indeed true, well too bad for them. But good for us,” he said.

In the Philippines and some cultures across the world, Friday the 13th is considered as a date when a flurry of bad luck occurs.

In Wikipedia, one theory states that Friday the 13th is a modern amalgamation of two older superstitions: that “13” is an unlucky number and that Friday is an unlucky day.

“In numerology, the number ‘12’ is considered the number of completeness... whereas the number ‘13’ is considered irregular, transgressing this completeness,” it read.

“Friday has been considered an unlucky day at least since the 14th century’s The Canterbury Tales and many other professions have regarded Friday as an unlucky day to undertake journeys,” it added.
