Sunday, April 22, 2012

Anne Curtis to appear on 'America's Next Top Model'

MANILA, Philippines - Anne Curtis, one of the best-dressed women in showbiz, proudly tweeted today that she will soon appear on “America’s Next Top Model,” wearing the creations of Filipino fashion designer Francis Libiran.

“The cat is out of the bag. I can finally announce it! Yes, I will be on ‘America’s Next Top Model’ wearing the beautiful gowns of Francis Libiran. Congratulations Francis Libiran! You deserve the recognition,” Anne said on her official Twitter account.

She made the announcement after Libiran posted a video on YouTube of a photo shoot in which she models four of his gowns for photographer Mark Nicdao.

"I picked Anne for this photo shoot because she represents the perfect Filipina for me," Libiran said.

Libiran has been making gowns for the Filipino-Australian star since her teens and even designed her prom dress, along with many memorable dresses she wore to awards ceremonies and other showbiz events.

The photo shoot will be featured on the popular show hosted by former supermodel Tyra Banks. The episode will be shown on April 25 in the US and April 30 in the Philippines.

“I’m super duper nervous that Tyra is going to be able to see the pictures. I’m excited to find out what she has to say,” Anne said.

The photo shoot was organized by Filipino-American Michael Carandang, one of the producers of "ANTM."

“What we really appreciate with Francis is that he really took the time to invest and create looks specifically for the show,” Carandang said.

Libiran is now the third Filipino designer to be profiled on “ANTM,” after Michael Cinco and Oliver Tolentino.

Anne is the second Filipina celebrity to appear on the show. Last year, her friend Georgina Wilson was featured modeling underwear by Filipino fashion brand Bench in a photo shoot in Greece.
