Sunday, April 22, 2012

6 of 10 Filipinos believe Corona has hidden wealth -- SWS survey

MANILA, Philippines -- Several weeks before the resumption of the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona, a new survey revealed that more than half of Filipinos believe that Corona has hidden wealth.

Results of a new Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey, published first on BusinessWorld on Monday, showed that 63% of Filipinos believe Corona has hidden wealth based on the supposed undeclared money and assets in his statements of assets, liabilities, and net worth (SALN). Only 12% did not believe that Corona has hidden wealth while 24% were

Those who believe that Corona has hidden wealth are from all geographic areas and demographics and was highest in Metro Manila (77%), the Classes ABC (69%), and also among among college graduates (78%).

The SWS survey also found that 58% believed that Corona “intended to help” former president and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her husband, Jose Miguel, to “flee the country, to elude the charges she is facing.” One of the articles of impeachment by the prosecutors include the issuance of a temporary restraining order on the watchlist order on the Arroyo couple. Only 17% disagreed that Corona helped the Arroyos while 23% were undecided.

In addition, 57% agreed that “Chief Justice Corona accepted special favors like discounts in the [purchase of a] condominium and plane tickets.” Only 14% disagreed while 28% were undecided.

The same survey, conducted last March 10 to 13, found that less than half or 46% of Filipinos would support "people power" to force Corona to step down in the event he was acquitted.

Among those who support people power in case of an acquittal, the majority reached up to 56% in Mindanao and 51% among non-elementary graduates, and was a 50% plurality among the class ABC. Opinion was mixed in the Visayas where 36% agreed, 27% were undecided and 36% disagreed.

The March 2012 Social Weather Survey was conducted using face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults in Metro Manila, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao with sampling error margins of ±3% for national percentages, ±6% for area percentages.
